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Restorative Justice

Statement to Students

Sometimes things go wrong. Perhaps it is our fault, perhaps it is the fault of others. When problems happen, we need to remember that Liston College is a restorative school. We follow a system of Justice that places relationships at the heart of our ethos. It means that if and when we do wrong, we are to consider the harm we have caused others and so are expected to make things right – for them.

Staff and students are all expected to take responsibility for their actions and how they affect others. Restoration puts into practice true justice as it is understood in the light of Edmund Rice’s charism and the Gospel Values upheld by Liston College.

Simply put Restorative Practices at Liston College is a process where relationships can be “put right” through:


At Liston College there are three levels to our “restorative practice”:

  • Restorative chat
  • A mini conference for more serious wrong doings
  • Major Restorative Conferences for major offences

Such practices usually involve:

  • the acknowledgement of wrongdoing
  • accountability for actions
  • the repair of harm or some sort of reparation (consequences)
  • and a plan to support both wrongdoer and the person wronged in, collaboration with wider support networks

Restorative Questions:

  1. When things go wrong:
  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking at the time?
  • What have you thought about since?
  • Who has been affected / upset / harmed by what you have done? In what way?
  • What do you think you need to do to make things right?

     2. When someone is hurt:

  • What did you think when you realized what had happened?
  • What impact has this incident had on you and others?
  • What has been the hardest thing for you?
  • What do you think needs to happen to make things right?

Liberating Education

Gospel Spirituality

Inclusive Community

Justice & Solidarity